Sunday, November 18, 2007

Karl Max and the Industrial Revolution

Karl Marx was a German philosopher that began a movement called the "Communist Manifesto". He believed that there was a scientific reason of how history progressed in the past and would progress in the future. Karl Marx hated the idea of the Industrial Revolution. Marx thought that the workers did all the work, while the owners of the establishments or businesses, took all the credit and made all of the money. He called the owners, the bourgeoisie, and the workers proletariat. He believed that the bourgeoisie would use their wealth to control the government and exploit the proletariat. Because of this Marx decided to invent Communism. Communism is when everyone gets paid the same amount of money equally. This became a problem because people started to be lazy and didnt want to work. The talented people got paid as much as the untalented people. This idea was a failure.

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